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Pallas Athene publishes attractive, intelligent, beautiful non-fiction, focussing on art, such as the series Lives of the Artists. We also publish books about travel, history, illustration, literature, nature and food. Subjects include John Ruskin, William Blake, Venice, Rome, Paris, Michelangelo, Oscar Wilde, William Turner, Carpaccio, Tintoretto, Velazquez, Caravaggio, Monet, Shakespeare, Friedrich, the nineteenth century, the pre-Raphaelites, Rodin, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Manet, van Gogh, Hogarth, Julia Margaret Cameron, George Stubbs, Aubrey Beardsley and Edward Burne-Jones.

Postings, by Jim McCue

Postings, by Jim McCue

Postings 2, by Jim McCue<br><br>

Postings 2, by Jim McCue

Edge of Hope: The Rohingya Refugee Camp at Cox's Bazar, by Anthony Dawton and Jim McFarlane

Edge of Hope: The Rohingya Refugee Camp at Cox's Bazar, by Anthony Dawton and Jim McFarlane

Art Exposed, by Julian Spalding

Art Exposed, by Julian Spalding

Galápagos Sketchbook, by David Pollock

Galápagos Sketchbook, by David Pollock

Half an Hour from Paris, by Annabel Simms

Half an Hour from Paris, by Annabel Simms

Kingerlee at Eighty Five, by himself, with Gareth V. Thomas (limited edition)

Kingerlee at Eighty Five, by himself, with Gareth V. Thomas (limited edition)

Kingerlee at Eighty Five, by himself, with Gareth V. Thomas (limited edition)

Kingerlee at Eighty Five, by himself, with Gareth V. Thomas (limited edition)

NOTLondon, by Anthony Dawton Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 20.04.51.png

NOTLondon, by Anthony Dawton

Ruskinland: How John Ruskin Shapes Our World, by Andrew Hill

Ruskinland: How John Ruskin Shapes Our World, by Andrew Hill

If Venice Dies, by Salvatore Settis <br><br>(reprinting)

If Venice Dies, by Salvatore Settis


Havana De Cuba, by Marzena Pogorzaly

Havana De Cuba, by Marzena Pogorzaly

Journeys: People and places from a travelling life, by David Pollock

Journeys: People and places from a travelling life, by David Pollock

Coles to Jerusalem: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Reverend Richard Coles, by Kevin Jackson

Coles to Jerusalem: A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Reverend Richard Coles, by Kevin Jackson

Georgian Khachapuri and Filled Breads, by Carla Capalbo

Georgian Khachapuri and Filled Breads, by Carla Capalbo

A272: An Ode to a Road, by Pieter and Rita Boogaart

A272: An Ode to a Road, by Pieter and Rita Boogaart

The Ruskin Revival: 1969-2019, by Suzanne Fagence Cooper

The Ruskin Revival: 1969-2019, by Suzanne Fagence Cooper

Love Life: David Hockney Drawings 1963-1977, by Chris Stephens<br><br> (out of print)
Sold Out

Love Life: David Hockney Drawings 1963-1977, by Chris Stephens

(out of print)
