An Hour from Paris, by Annabel Simms
An Hour from Paris, by Annabel Simms
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Third edition
Paperback – 196 x 115 mm – 272 pages
Twenty-two colour illustrations and forty in black and white
ISBN 9781843681311
This is a travel guide to 20 lesser-known rewarding daytrips within an hour of Paris by train.
Discover half-hidden châteaux and artists country houses
Walk, boat or dance by the river
Explore old towns and country footpaths
Eat in family-run restaurants with 1950s decor and prices to match
Based on over 20 years’ experience of exploring the Paris countryside by train, each visit includes the essential historical context and practical information to help you discover places unknown to many Parisians. Written with humour and a flair for the unusual and authentic, the text is illustrated with original photos and local maps. It includes a unique guide to using the excellent local train network. A small classic: written with passion, perfectionism and amusement, a guide that will make you see a Paris – and a France – you would never have suspected. Each walk is illustrated by a clear, detailed map, and each destination supplemented by comprehensive practical information. Now fully updated and with extra walks.
Twelve more equally enchanting walks can be found in the author’s sibling guidebook, Half an Hour from Paris.
Ground-breaking work
The Sunday Times
A kind of Ile de France profunde
The Independent
The best get-you-feet-wet introduction to the Ile de France
Paris Notes
I’m crazy about this book
Polly Platt, author of French or Foe?
A classic